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Qref Aircraft Checklists

In partnership with Qref Quick Reference Media, we present to you Qref Aircraft Checklists for iPhone and iPad.

Aircraft Checklists from Qref® for iPhone and iPad are expertly designed and written procedures specifically for your aircraft. The same award-winning content found in our printed checklists can now be found in a customizable, easy-access app.

Every detail has been meticulously designed to make the checklist quick, easy-to-use and accurate. Choose your aircraft from a growing library of 50+ comprehensive models. Customize any item you need, directly on your iPhone or iPad, right where you use a checklist, without having to go to a website and upload.

Qref checklist design features a larger, more readable font, comprehensive procedures sectioned into tabs, and simple, one-touch access to the procedure you need. Discover why Qref aircraft checklists are the Gold Standard in aviation, with over 20,000 sold annually around the world, in nearly every pilot shop.

Grab it from Apple's App Store!

Qref Aircraft Checklists © Qref Quick Reference Media. Qref® is a registered trademark of Qref Quick Reference Media.

Hello, Nano Fights Cancer

"Hello, Nano Fight Cancer" is an interactive HTML 5 game in the "Hello, Nano" iBook on Apple's iBook Store.

The game can be found at the end of Chapter 2.
The power of Apple's iBook makes every other ebook look ancient.

"Hello, Nano" is a registered trademark of 2Lux Media, Inc.

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